Sunday, 1 September 2013

bestf time!

 here i go XOXO
I will tell you some of my stories with my friends

yeah we're called SL!!
so miss ma old friends oca, uno, asep, mae, rai, ucul. kangen sama cewek-cewek unik yang gokil nya minta di GO-KILL x( Huhu.. Animated gif Animated gif Animated gif

terakhir kali ketemu waktu buka bersama 91/92 :"( Animated gif Animated gif

tapi kalau terakhir kali main bareng nya ya waktu ulang tahun mama nya oca, itupun SL minus 3 
hak hak hak :p Animated gif

Kangen waktu perpisahan bareng SL! Tidur bareng, makan bareng, sekamar, securhatan, sepanik bareng, sesedih bareng, pokok-nya kalo sama mereka waktu tuh rasanya cepeeet banget lewat hahaha :p Animated gif

Kangen ketawanya raissa, kangen tai lalatnya oca, kangen nasehatnya mae, kangen curhatan ucul, kangen gaya jalannya uno, kangen ayannya asep you guys are verry uniqe people i ever had! mwah Animated gif

see you in another chance yaa~ *kisskiss

Tuesday, 27 August 2013

highschool, highfive!

Ahoyyy captain!
Long time no see yaa :p hihi saat-nya nge-blog sedikit tentang “masya?” semester 1 di SMA!
masa yang kalo di sinetron tuh masa paling seru, ga ada dua-nya, dan ga bisa diulang lagi *yaiyalahmen
Kalo ada yang nanya “sekolah dimana lin?” cukup jawab “di 4” XOXO Animated gif

"five to four"
menurut aku itu istilah dari lulusan SMP 5 ke SMA 4 hoho
Dan kalo di bales lagi pake pertanyaan “kenapa kamu pilih disitu?” singkat aja sih “rejeki-nya disitu” mwahaha

itu baru cewek-nya belum cowok-nya. kalo mau liat asli-nya dateng aja ke X8 yaak xx
see you in another chance~

Friday, 28 June 2013

About Me

Hello there! nice to know you :-)

my name is..
Ralin Putri Natalia
and you can call me ralin.
i'm just a teenege girl ♀ who really loves music ♬ and eat!xx
addict to chocolate and all about nightmare before christmas 
have a lot of dreams ✰ and love to sing a song 
likes pastel colors and recently being crazy about k-pop things ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
born in Jakarta, Indonesia 13 December 1997 and absolutely i'm Jesus follower.
currently schooling in SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4 SOUTH TAMBUN
for further info please visit my official page here:

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

this is music ♬

we'll talking about one of the sweet things in this earth.
guess what?
yea! it's me he he. kiddin' he he.

why i love music? yea i'll explain that.

but first..
do you know what the music is?
let's ask the people....

"Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy" - Ludwig van Beethoven

"Music is everybody's possession. It's only publishers who think that people own it." - John Lennon

"Music is the medicine of the breaking heart."  - Leigh Hunt

that's what people said.

and for me.. music is my soul and i loves music more than anything.
music always express my feelings.
music can express love, sad, happy, broken heart, angry and many more.
music is ART.

music is divided in to many genres.
jazz, hiphop, pop, rock, metal, punk, country, traditional and many more!

 you can listen to the music in many ways.
like listen to the radio, mp3, ipod, tv, laptop and another stuff.

music also have many instruments.
everybody knows that. isn't it?

music is..
that's why i really loves music.
music can speak everything and anything.
music have a magical sound magical words that can hypnotize us.
one day you'll find that one song can understand you perfectly.
"music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind,
 flight to the imagination and life to everything."
is that beautiful?
there's no reason to do not likes music.
music is like our life.
and i guess we can't live without music.